I always took extreme pride in my natural hair —no matter if it was short or long—because there was never anything to be ashamed of. I never thought I could make natural hair videos because there were always so many other people making them. But with the natural hair community in the state is today, —co-opted and flooding with more paid partnerships and sponsored videos than simple, useful and affordable hair care routines common people can use — I thought it was about time I put my two cents in; especially as someone who’s been natural my whole life; has helped multiple people grow their hair long, thick and healthy; and has grown their hair waist-length for the second time in my life.
Watch the latest video I uploaded on the Si Slays YouTube channel for several things I stopped doing to grow my hair waist-length (for the second time, lol) and also watch the video I uploaded last week for everything you need to know to grow your hair waist-length, healthy and thick. (CLICK THE THUMBNAILS IN THIS POST TO WATCH THE VIDEOS)
Stay tuned on justforblackgirls.com and the Si Slays YouTube channel for more as I am LOADED with actually easy, affordable and effective info on how to style, take care of and grow 4C natural hair. Hopefully I can help you to take pride in your crown — no matter if it’s short or long. See ya there😉😘💅🏾